19 Jan 2016 - When Ted Cruz was a junior U.S. senator he attended a closed luncheon and was shocked to hear senate majority leader Mitch McConnell push a plan that would allow GOP senators to vote in secret to raise the national debt thus shielding them from blame.
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7 Dec 2015 - If you denounce Donald Trump for saying he wants to stop Muslim immigration until leaders figure things out you don't realize we're in World War III.
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17 Nov 2015 - Remember Michele Obama’s tweet after Boko Haram kidnapped schoolgirls in Nigeria: hashtag (#) Bringbackourgirls? It didn’t work. Continued Here
18 Jul 2015 - “Where do we find such men?”
That memorable line comes from James Mitchner’s Korean War novel, The Bridges of Toko-Ri. Continued Here
5 Mar 2015 - If you watched closely the premier episode of CNN’s new series, “Finding Jesus,” which examined the Shroud of Turin...
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28 Jan 2015 - Years ago I cancelled my subscription to the Los Angeles Times. The reason: the paper’s editors decided to change the phrase “illegal aliens” to “undocumented workers. Continued Here

21 June 14 - The elephant in the global room today is that we are now fighting World War III. It is not the “War on Terror.” Terror is a tactic. Continued Here

We’ve all heard the condemnation of American military brutality from the Left. But the same critics are largely silent about the opposite message of Lone Survivor... Continued Here

We live in a growing police state. The NSA vault of all our doings is not to protect us from terrorism. If we were serious about terrorism, we’d identify the terrorist as Radical Islam, and begin profiling as the Israelis do. Continued Here

Politics count. They run our lives. Since the diastrous last election, I've been trying - certainly as have others - to decipher how Conservatives can win... Continued Here

I've read a few of the reviews of the History Channel's first episode of The Bible series that debuted last night... Continued Here

Stand up, Mitt. Show your spine. Show your mettle, which some have questioned you don't have... Continued Here

The Shroud of Turin is one of the great science-religion mysteries – an ancient linen cloth with strange images of a crucified man believed by Christians... Continued Here

If you like non-stop, relentless action, portrayed with realism seldom seen, don't miss Act of Valor, the new movie about and starring navy SEALs, the navy's Sea, Air, and Land special forces teams...Continued Here

The latest issue of my Author's Guild Bulletin* spotlights the on going fight between publishers and e-Reader providers in its main article, "Amazon Takes the Gloves Off: Builds Kindle 'Library' Over Publishers Objections.".. Continued Here

The last soldier I heard of urinating on the enemy was Gen. George S. Patton. Should the general, who, as much as any other, was responsible for defeating the Nazis.. Continued Here

It bothered me when I was interviewed by Decoded that I wasn't asked about some of the evidence I considered most important in my book... Continued Here

January 18, 2011 - I doubt last night's PBS documentary on the Kennedy clan said anything about the patriarch Joe Kennedy's ... Continued Here

Sixty-five years ago, on December 21, 1945, America lost one of its greatest champions of liberty - Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.,
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I watched the National Geographic documentary on 9/11. I wondered if there would be any PC (politically correct) parts stressing diversity, peaceful Islam... Continued Here